Frequently Asked Questions

My food spoiled during a power outage can I get reimbursed?

No, MEMA does not provide reimbursement for food spoiling during a natural disaster. However, SNAP households may be eligible for replacement benefits following Hurricane Ida. Click here for more information.


Where can I get money to fix it damage to my home?

Financial assistance is available to homeowners and renters ONLY if a federal disaster declaration for Individual Assistance is approved by the president. Federal financial assistance is never a guarantee. If you need immediate help finding a tarp for your roof, call you county emergency management agency office.


I need help repairing damage to my home. What do I do?

First, take pictures of the damage for documentation purposes. Second, call your insurance provider to file a claim. If you do not have insurance, please contact your county emergency management agency for assistance.


I want to help with Hurricane Ida relief efforts. How can I do that?

If you would like to volunteer, register at You can also email [email protected] or call 228-265-7910 for more information. Volunteers should NOT self-deploy.

Financial contributions to recognized disaster relief organizations are the fastest, most flexible and most effective method of donating.