Radiological Preparedness

The Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program provides first responders and volunteers with radiological training and support to protect the health and safety of the general public and the environment. assists federal, state, tribal and local agencies in the response to events involving the release of radiological materials in the environment. The Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program is uniquely qualified to be an integral partner in the success of the state of Mississippi’s Domestic Radiological Preparedness Program. 

This program provides radiological emergency response training to state, tribal, and local agencies through the Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program, Waste Isolation Pilot Program and Modular Emergency Response Radiological Transportation Training Program. The Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program accomplishes this by coordinating and conducting outreach activities with other federal agencies and state, local and tribal governments to the degree practical. This includes initial interface with these entities for joint participation in training, drills, exercises, and support for domestic preparedness.

The single biggest threat to the country is the possibility of a terrorist attack against a nuclear power facility, transportation, or our critical infrastructure. Recognizing this vulnerability to our citizens is essential in order to address it proactively. The Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program assists state, local, tribal governments and federal agencies prepare for a radiological emergency in the state of Mississippi that can:

  • Mitigate the effects that a radiological or hostile action type of emergency could have on the safety and well-being of the citizens of Mississippi.
  • Identify and initiate actions in coordination with federal, state, and local agencies necessary for government and the residents affected to be prepared to effectively respond when nuclear emergencies arise.
  • Provide for timely response to these events.
  • Set forth the governance that will result in both short term and long- term recovery.

The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency recognizes its responsibilities with regard to the public’s safety and well-being. The Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program recognizes these responsibilities as well and maintains the programs to train, drill and exercise state, local and private entities in the implementation of the state’s radiological emergency preparedness program.

If you live in an area that could be affected by an incident at either of the two nuclear facilities, sirens in your area will alert you that an incident has occurred.

When the sirens are sounded, the Emergency Alert System will be activated, and instructions given on how to respond as to whether or not they should take shelter or evacuate.

  • REMEMBER – hearing a siren or tone alert does not mean evacuate. It simply means turn on your radio and listen for instructions.
  • Stay tuned to your radio, remain calm and follow instructions!
  • Appropriate emergency actions (shelter in place, evacuations) will be taken before there is any danger to the public’s health and safety (see guide for sheltering in place or evacuation).

Additional Information:

The Grand Gulf Emergency Preparedness Public Information website has been prepared for you who live, work, visit, and go to school near the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.  It gives basics about the plant and information you may need in an emergency.  It will inform you of Nuclear Information, Evacuation Basics, information pertaining to your Reception Centers, Alert and Notification Information, School Evacuation, Functional and Transportation Needs, Emergency Contact Information and other vital information. This website is designed to provide emergency planning information in an interactive electronic format compatible with your smart phone or personal computer.

For more information about the Preparedness Radiological Emergency Program, contact Sierra Esco at 601-933-636 or