
Mississippi state law charges MEMA with maintaining a comprehensive statewide emergency management program and is responsible for coordinating with federal, state and local governments, school boards and private associations that have a role in emergency management.

Mississippi Emergency Management Law:

To view Mississippi’s Emergency Management Law, click here.

Disaster Reporting Forms – These forms are for local Emergency Management Agencies

Disaster Report 3 (Local Emergency)

Request for State of Emergency

Local Emergency Planning Committee List

Public Records Request Policy Form

Damage Assessment Forms:

DA2: Business and Agriculture form DA2 instructions.

DA3: Public Assistance form DA3 instruction.

DA4: Debris Removal form DA4 instructions.

DA5: Summary form DA5 instructions.

DA6: Budget form DA6 instructions.

Individual Assistance Damage Assessment Level Guidelines

Public Assistance Damage Assessment Guidelines

FEMA Disaster Procurement Guidelines:

State CEMP:

MEMA maintains the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, which outlines the state’s response to emergencies and contains specific annexes that outline each state agency’s role during an event.

To view the CEMP, click here.

Statewide Mutual Aid Compact:

The Statewide Mutual Aid Compact, or SMAC, began in 1995 by MEMA to provide a more effective use of resources in times of disaster. It provides a way for cities and counties to request and receive help from each other when local resources are exhausted. SMAC provides a mechanism for assistance to come from different parts of the state. It addresses the issues of liability, compensation, direction and control in a uniform manner. SMAC allows members of the compact to have a mutual aid agreement with both the state and other compact members.

To view the SMAC Agreement, click here.

Incident Command Structure (ICS) Forms:

ICS 201 Incident Briefing

ICS 202 Incident Objectives

ICS 203 Organization Assignment List

ICS 204 Assignment List

ICS 205 Incident Radio Communications Plan

ICS 205A Communications List

ICS 206 Medical Plan

ICS 207 Incident Organization Chart

ICS 208 Safety Message-Plan

ICS 209 Incident Status Summary

ICS 210 Resource Status Change

ICS 211 Incident Check-In List

ICS 213 General Message

ICS 213 RR-Resource Request Message

ICS 214 Activity Log

ICS 215 Operational Planning Worksheet

ICS 215A Incident Action Plan Safety Analysis

ICS 218 Support Vehicle-Equipment Inventory

ICS 221 Demobilization Check-out

ICS 225 Incident Personnel Performance Rating

ICS 230 Meeting Schedule

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