Shelters and Safe Rooms

Shelters and Safe Rooms are operated on a local level. This is a list of reported openings to MEMA: 


Alcorn County Warming Shelter

  • “Blue Building” at Kossuth Methodist Church located at 7 County Rd. 604, Corinth (It is in the town of Kossuth, but has a Corinth address)


Desoto County Warming Shelter

  • Southaven Community Safe Room – 7312 Highway 51 North in Southaven (opening Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 6:00 PM)


Grenada County

  • Grenada City Auditorium – 17 North Main Street, Grenada, MS (opening Tuesday, February 18 at 4:00 pm. Will remain open 24 hours a day until temperatures warm up)


Marshall County Warming Shelter

  • The City of Holly Spring Warming Center – 235 North Memphis Street, Holly Springs – HOURS OPEN 6:00 P.M.-8:00 A.M. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE YOU MUST SIGN IN AT THE EDDIE L. SMITH, JR. MULTI-PURPOSE CENTER FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 662-252-4562 (PRESS 3)